Stiftung Fourfold

Ein zugäng­li­cher und warmer Marken­auf­tritt, der die Synergie zwischen familiä­rer Herkunft und unterneh­me­ri­scher Denkweise der Stiftung spürbar macht.

  • Branding

  • Markenstrategie

  • Website

Several pages on a table with drafts of a handwritten logo of the Fourfold Foundation, Branding, Logo Design, MADE Identity
Hands of an elderly man signing a book with a golden pen, Branding, MADE Identity
Hand holding a wine glass in front of a marble background, Imagery, Branding, MADE Identity
Two hands and a red sculpture, Imagery, Branding, MADE Identity
Hand holding an aperture in the blue sky, Imagery, Branding, MADE Identity