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fenaco Brand Design Case

Agricul­tu­re 2.0. From crop planning and the use of drones for pest control to smart farming using AI – the potential of data-driven agronomy is diverse and is being tapped more and more. The fenaco agricul­tu­ral coopera­ti­ve is a central driving force for Swiss farming. The brand identity of fenaco should do justice to this shaping role and at the same time preserve the anchored coopera­ti­ve values.

fenaco responsive Logo

Responsive Branding. A dynamic design system for the application on digital touch-points.

Markenwelt mit Gestaltungselementen

The initial situation is analysed and evaluated. For the further develo­p­ment of the brand, as much of the existing DNA as possible is retained. The formal language of the logo is kept and transla­ted into an indepen­dent lettering. The primary colour stays the same, but is supple­men­ted with a colour tone and gradient. The imagery and layout system are developed from scratch.

Icon Design für fenaco
Corporate Typography für fenaco Branding

Illustra­ti­ve narrative. Illustra­ti­ons get a special place in the new brand universe. They convey the cooperative’s range of services in a simple and appealing way.

Illustrationen innerhalb des Corporate Designs

The new appearan­ce positions fenaco as a strong represen­ta­ti­ve of producing agricul­tu­re, beyond the classic agricul­tu­ral idyll.

Claim innerhalb der Markenentwicklung für fenaco

As a shaper and driver of innovation for Swiss agriculture, fenaco seeks dialogue and visibility in order to fulfill its role responsibly towards its cooperative members, but also towards the Swiss public.

fenaco Branding auf Instagram angewendet
Digitale Anwendung mit Illustrationen
Logo auf Branding Anwendung für fenaco
Brand Design Anwendung mit Logo

Agricul­tu­re shapes Switzer­land, feeds Switzer­land. The imagery carries the viewer into a bird’s eye view and makes the contri­bu­ti­on visible.

Branding Bildwelt Mood

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